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About Us

Increasing community awareness

Al-Amal Center for Rehabilitation

The center was established in 2005 as a private educational institution for the care and rehabilitation of people of determination (autism – mental disability) and is licensed by the Ministry of Community Development.

• The center accepts those who are financially unable for free (a social research is conducted to verify the financial inability)
• The center's vision: effective integration of people of determination into society, developing their abilities and living independently.
• The center's mission: to provide the best educational, rehabilitative and educational services to develop the self-abilities of students with autism and intellectual disability and enable them to live independently and integrate them into society.
• Objectives of the center
Integration of people of determination in kindergartens and educational institutions
- Increasing community awareness towards people of determination
Providing people of determination with social behavior and self-reliance
• Categories benefiting from the center
- Autism spectrum disorder - mild intellectual disability, including (Down Syndrome) from the age of (4-15) years
- Parents of people of determination (autism - intellectual disability)
• Integrated services
- special breeding
Behavior management and modification
Speech and language therapy
- Occupational therapy
- physical education
A comprehensive psychoeducational assessment
Evening sessions

Increasing community awareness

Vision, mission & goals center

Vision (effective integration of students of determination into the local community and development of their abilities and skills).
The message (providing the best educational and rehabilitative programs and educational services to support and develop the self-abilities of students with autism and intellectual disability of all categories and enable them to serve themselves and achieve their independence and integration into society.
Our goals (1- Integration of students in educational institutions and kindergartens.
2- Increasing community awareness towards these students.
3- Providing educational, rehabilitative and psychological services to students and their families.
4- Developing the child’s motor, psychological, linguistic and social skills.
5 – Provide students with acceptable social behavior and self-reliance.
Categories and sectors benefiting from the services of the center:
1- Autism from the age of 4-14 years
2- Intellectual disability, including Down Syndrome, from the age of 4-14 years
3- Parents, specialists and people of determination.


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